Thursday, November 14, 2019

Arthurian Legends

I remember the first time I watch the story of Arthur’s Legend in television. The shows name was Merlin, the famous wizard who helped Arthur. I was little when I saw the show, but I remember what I liked most, the magic and I believe most would have agreed. The perfect magical world, wise wizard Merlin, strong and fair king Arthur, fair and beautiful queen Guinevere, their loyal and brave knights and happy kingdom Camelot with all magical creatures inside, who wouldn’t want to live this world. Another factor might be theme of ‘’the chosen one’’. The only person capable of pulling out the Excalibur from the rock. Most of the epics, stories about one person who saves all the kingdom or even the world. I think we like to know even if we are doomed there will be someone chosen by a higher power will save us, destroy the evilness, and of course magic makes everything looks shiny. Another factory might be the philosophy lies in behind the story of Arthur. I believe the round table which has no beginning or end showed equality between the king and his knights was original and different in that times. Arthur represented what all kings should be. That is why, I think, all common people, nobles and kings liked the story and created more and more version of him every time but there was one thing that never changed, Arthur was the perfect king.