Monday, January 25, 2021

Teacher Training - Project Week #4



After a long week full of final exams, ELT Z started to work on the project again, we mainly decided what do we want to do, and how we will achieve out goal. Our academic ground for the project is completed without a problem. For the next week, we will be designing conclusion and further suggestion part of our researches. Later we will design activities to contribute our suggestions and design the website. Here is a sneak peak for my research paper :

"The world has universal languages; mathematics language of science, music language of emotions, and now English is becoming the language of problem-solving, not because America is pushing it but because the world is pulling it.” Jay Walker

We are not learning English to communicate with the natives of English anymore; we learn English to communicate with the world. In most countries learning and teaching English is a government- supported policy, and it starts at the primary school level. Also, in each decade age of learners of English is dropping lower and lower. The countries that teach English as a second language or as a foreign language don't have the same starting age, duration of formal schooling, language teaching methodology, and aims. In this paper, we will be looking at how English is taught all over the world...

See you next week !

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Teacher Training - Project Week #3


This week I started to write down my paper, and it is going great! The only thing left is the conclusion paragraph of it. As a reminder I'm working on ELT practices all over the world. I mainly focused on the starting age of the learners, duration of formal schooling of English, materials, language teaching methodology, and aims in the ELT classrooms. I also find this website which 
shows hundred non-native English-speaking countries and their English Proficiency Index(EPI). There are five degrees of proficiency in this index; very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. I choose China, Netherlands and Argentina from this index to understand what is the differences that made them better from one another. With this we might understand what we have been doing wrong. 

You can find the website here : 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Teacher Training - Project Week #2


This week I focused on researching my topic which is ELT practices all over the world. I firstly search for articles from Google Scholar and ERIC. These two websites have huge databases and you can filter your search with publish date! I found more than ten articles but most of them didn't exactly have the information that I was looking for, later with the suggestion of my teacher I use different wording to search articles I found good ten resources. I downloaded them to my computer and restore them there. I made a different file for the countries that I searched.