Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 Hello everyone !

Here is the link of our website: 

Our topic was the "English as a Global Language and Its Pedagogical Implications" we put a lot of work in it. I want to thank you my dear teammates that work really hard for creating this website and its contents.

Also, after visiting the website if you have any opinions and/or comments about it you can share with us through the contact section on this website. 

Also, there were other groups that work on the future of the ELT. They prepared wonderful works that you need to check it out. Here are the links : 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Teacher Training - Project Week #5


This is the final week of our project. We have been so busy designing final elements for our project. Firstly we divided our conclusion and further suggestion part into two. Each pair worked on one of these elements and the results are amazing. You can find them here :

We also designed three new activities for ELT classrooms that includes Global Englishes. Honestly, the activity design was the hardest thing that I did this week. It took quite a long time to finish, but I'm really happy with the result. Main focus of the activity that I designed was introducing the World Englishes vocabularies. I wrote four different original stories about Ugandan English, Philippine English, Indian English and South African English for the activity and created a Canva presentation, you can reach that here :

We will be sharing the details of this activity in our website.

Also, I learned that designing a website was quite hard but I'm glad to be able to say this "I finally conquered it!" at least for the weebly website designs. It was fun to choose every little detail about out website, and finally seeing all of our works together like this made me teary :'))

Finally I want to say that I had so much fun attending the lessons and producing our own website. I'm so grateful to our teachers to give us this kind of opportunity. 

I will be sharing the link of the website this Wednesday, so stay tuned !